Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Tejas experience
This morning he was got me on my nerve while he was getting ready to school. So i told him. "Thatz it tejas you are not uttering a word until you get ready". Immediately he got upset and with a puppy face told me "amma can I atleast say a bye to you when i get inside the van". He is a charmer truly. I melted immediately.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Some funny experience with my son 3 year young son Tejas

From now on I have decided to post them as they happen so that I can read back and relish.
Last week I was about to leave office, and I was wearing an old watch which he hasn't seen until then. Tejas asked me "Are you going to office" I said yes. Then he said "you are wearing a watch?" I said yes. He said "Amma you should not wear watch and go to office" I said "Really who said so?" instantly without think he told me "Valluvar" I was laughing out loud.